Mass of a unit volume of a material substance. The formula for density is d = M / V, where d is density, M is mass, and V is volume. Density is commonly expressed in units of grams per cubic centimetre.


     Ethylene vinyl acetate or EVA is a copolymer that is made of ethylene and vinyl acetate monomers and is an advanced type of polyethylene. In Hot Melt Adhesive is use when the product requires a low processing temperature. is the most common polymer used in hot melt adhesives for packaging applications. Vinyl acetate levels used in adhesives vary from 6 to 40%. The higher the vinyl acetate the softer and less crystalline the polymer.


     Capacity to be set on fire.


      Solid materials that melt at relatively low temperature (above 80°C /180°F) during the application or molding process. Once cooled, the materials become solid again, ensuring cohesion. Hot melts are solid at room temperature and require melting prior to application.


     This is the maximum time between the application of the adhesive and the pressing of the substrates. The open time of hot melt adhesives is relatively short: between a few seconds and a few minutes, depending on the components used, the application pattern, the substrates to be bonded and the points mentioned later in this blog. 

     Temperature were the HMA acquires the viscosity to be apply.


     Polyamide (PA) Polyamide, or nylon, is a synthetic fiber created from chains of polymers. PA HMA has excellent heat resistance, cold resistance, electrical properties, oil resistance, chemical resistance, dielectric properties.

     Polyethylene is a member of the important family of polyolefin resins. It is the most widely used plastic in the world, being made into products ranging from clear food wrap and shopping bags to detergent bottles and automobile fuel tanks. It can also be slit or spun into synthetic fibres or modified to take on the elastic properties of a rubber. Polyethylene is one of the basic elements of HMA.

     Polyolefins are lightweight, flexible, thermoplastic materials that can be made into clear films and sheets, strong and resilient bottles and containers, water-resistant carpet fibres, and many other products. PO HMA have excellent resistance against polar solvents and a resistance to temperature between a EVA HMA and PA.

     A synthetic resin which is a polymer of propylene, used chiefly for films, fibres, or moulding materials. Polypropylene is one of the basic elements of HMA.

     Temperature were the HMA acquires the viscosity to be apply.


    The relative capacity of a substance or material to have a chemical reaction with another substance.

     A solid or liquid synthetic organic polymer used as the basis of plastics, adhesives, varnishes, or other products. Resins are one of the basic elements of HMA.

     Poly (styrene-butadiene-styrene), or SBS, is a hard rubber that is used for products like the soles of shoes, tire treads, and other places where durability is important. It is a type of copolymer called a block copolymer. Is also the main material in the production of Pressure sensitive adhesives.


     A materials that can ignite without spark or flame.

     Is the time it takes to form an acceptable bond when two or more substrates are combined with an adhesive.

     Is the temperature at which a material softens sufficiently to allow significant flow under a small stress. Softening point is heating rate dependent.

     The quality or state of being soluble, which means the ability of a substance, the solute, to form a solution with another substance, the solvent. Solubility is also a measure of the amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given amount of another substance under specified conditions of temperature and pressure.


     Substances (especially synthetic resins) that become plastic on heating and harden on cooling, and are able to repeat these processes. 

     The quality of being very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way.

    Capacity to allow  light, to pass through; It goes from Transparent were around 100% of the light passes through, translucent (around 50%) to opaque which 0% of the light passes.


     Measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow. The SI unit of viscosity is poiseiulle (PI). Its other units are newton-second per square metre (N s m -2) or pascal-second (Pa s.)

     High viscosity, poor fluidity; low viscosity, better fluidity.